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The olive tree

  • Adotta un olivo

Adopt an olive tree

You will help farmers to maintain biodiversity. You will receive photos and information about your plant. You will be able to follow the growth process from the first shoots to the growth of the olives and the harvest, up to the pressing operations. At the end of this incredible journey, we will send you your bottles of Extra virgin olive oil directly at home.

Select the olive tree you would like to adopt Scroll the map
  • Standard olive tree Marco
  • Standard olive tree Kina
  • Standard olive tree Loreale
  • Standard olive tree Martina
  • Standard olive tree Ali&Gio
  • Standard olive tree Nick e Silvia
  • Standard olive tree Un treno di ricette
  • Standard olive tree Paolo
  • Standard olive tree Fam D’Adamo
  • Standard olive tree Ge e Giorgio
  • Standard olive tree baldolivo
  • Standard olive tree Jerry
  • Standard olive tree Amo
  • Standard olive tree Fra&Roby
  • Standard olive tree Andèla
  • Standard olive tree Yvonjak
  • Standard olive tree Adriana
  • Standard olive tree Franca
  • Standard olive tree Irene e Luca
  • Standard olive tree Enrico e Anna
  • Standard olive tree Miolivo
  • Standard olive tree ASECCOOO
  • Standard olive tree IRENE
  • Standard olive tree Pierfranco Sonzogni
  • Standard olive tree Elisa e Daniele
  • Standard olive tree ELLA FITZGERALD
  • Standard olive tree Zeno Costy Tommy
  • Standard olive tree Papà Luigi e Mamma Patrizia
  • Standard olive tree Renata&Giuseppe
  • Standard olive tree Matteo B
  • Standard olive tree 3Sorelle
  • Standard olive tree Andrea & Roberta
  • Standard olive tree Alemarghy
  • Standard olive tree ❤ Sicily
  • Standard olive tree Chunky Boy
  • Standard olive tree MLICAS27
  • Standard olive tree Zio Turi
  • Standard olive tree Super Puri
  • Standard olive tree ANNA
  • Standard olive tree Kristin and Chris Amato
  • Standard olive tree FABRIZIO
  • Standard olive tree LuKa
  • Standard olive tree Mia Ladanyi vonStein
  • Standard olive tree Gustu
  • Standard olive tree Quartarone Alberto
  • Standard olive tree Fam. Cavagnotto
  • Standard olive tree Tina
  • Standard olive tree Stefania YouFirst
  • Standard olive tree Papà Lippa A
  • Standard olive tree Nikolai Ladanyi
  • Standard olive tree Roberta, NATA LIBERA
  • Standard olive tree Giuli
  • Standard olive tree Marco B.
  • Standard olive tree Silvia e Augusto
  • Standard olive tree Antonio Filippo Salv
  • Standard olive tree Sara e Andrea
  • Standard olive tree Mario
  • Standard olive tree Il Falco
  • Standard olive tree Clara
  • Standard olive tree EMILIO
  • Standard olive tree Maurizio
  • Standard olive tree Roberto Costella
  • Standard olive tree Simone Annalisa
  • Standard olive tree Mauro e Danila
  • Standard olive tree Alfonso
  • Standard olive tree Madda&Cecco
  • Standard olive tree Amedeo Leo
  • Standard olive tree Viviana
  • Standard olive tree Olio di gomito
  • Standard olive tree Ludjango
  • Standard olive tree Mickey&Minnie
  • Standard olive tree Carlo e Stefi
  • Standard olive tree Gigi
  • Standard olive tree Elena
  • Standard olive tree Olivo del Max
  • Standard olive tree Alessandro
  • Standard olive tree BrontOLIO
  • Standard olive tree Simone
  • Standard olive tree Marti&Fede
  • Standard olive tree Roberto
  • Standard olive tree Bibu
  • Standard olive tree Web3
  • Standard olive tree Luca&Anto
  • Standard olive tree Oliviotto
  • Standard olive tree Goniela
  • Standard olive tree Olivetta
  • Standard olive tree Giampaolo
  • Standard olive tree Raffaele
  • Standard olive tree Poppy
  • Standard olive tree Margolio
  • Standard olive tree Ollie
  • Standard olive tree Ivo
  • Standard olive tree Carmen
  • Standard olive tree Livio II
  • Standard olive tree Bigats
  • Standard olive tree OlioBuono
  • Standard olive tree Raffa
  • Standard olive tree Raffo
  • Standard olive tree Stanlio
  • Standard olive tree Olly
  • Standard olive tree Olivio
  • Standard olive tree Totò
  • Standard olive tree Thanor
  • Standard olive tree Ste
  • Standard olive tree Baffo
  • Standard olive tree Nolivetto
  • Standard olive tree Matteo
  • Standard olive tree Dani
  • Standard olive tree Edou
  • Standard olive tree Dangie
  • Standard olive tree Ale e Davide
  • Standard olive tree Giachi
  • Standard olive tree Simona&Giada&Lino
  • Standard olive tree Querty
  • Standard olive tree Luqa
  • Standard olive tree Sbitu
  • Standard olive tree Michela
  • Standard olive tree Edo!
  • Standard olive tree Tanqueray
  • Standard olive tree gioreg
  • Standard olive tree Madda
  • Standard olive tree ulive
  • Standard olive tree Alice
  • Standard olive tree LL
  • Standard olive tree Enrico
  • Standard olive tree Francesca
  • Standard olive tree Ricky
  • Standard olive tree Oliotutti
  • Standard olive tree Giuliano
  • Standard olive tree Max&Simone&Silvia
  • Standard olive tree Pino
  • Standard olive tree Lorenzo e Caterina
  • Standard olive tree
  • Standard olive tree Anna Paola
  • Standard olive tree
  • Standard olive tree Dave
  • Standard olive tree Theodore Teckx
  • Standard olive tree
  • Standard olive tree Lapo
  • Standard olive tree Chiara
  • Standard olive tree TekOlive
  • Standard olive tree
  • Standard olive tree BeFab
Find your olive tree

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    BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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