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Different scents of Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Fattoria Ramerino (Tuscany)

Different scents of Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Fattoria Ramerino (Tuscany)
€ 30,00

Award-winning extra virgin olive oils and a fantastic view of Florence...

Languages: English and Italian

Where: Bagno a Ripoli - Florence (Tuscany)

When: all days at 10:00 am, 12:00 pm and 14:00 pm (not available in the two central weeks of August)

Minimum number of people: 2 adults. Free for children under 16. They will have the opportunity to walk among the olive groves and visit the donkeys.

A farm with excellent extra virgin olive oils. Landscape is unique as plants are. Some of them have been present in these lands for more than a century. The green dominates the Tuscan landscape with olive groves and vineyards. The great competence and working system of this farm are unique and mainly due to the experience and knowledge of Filippo Alampi and his staff. Various types of olive trees for playing in recognizing the differences by observing branches, trunk and leaves. Secrets to be revealed in Tuscany to bring back to with you togehter with different memories and scents.

Reservations are kindly requested at least ten days in advance by writing to or calling +39 3317544407


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