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Chiesina di Lacona

Capoliveri - Tuscany

We are on Elba island, with our gaze turned to Lacona blue sea.

Lands with a wonderful view purchased by the maternal grandfather in the late 1950s. It was a small farm  with  oil, wine and some arable land.

Over the years Claudio and Filippo Alampi, thanks to their passions for wine, converted Chiesina di Lacona on vineyard only. They acquired new land and a cellar. After a first period when grapes were sold, they launched bottles made with native vines including Ansonica and Procanico which stand out for their quality and image of the labels. Fresh and fragrant wines, perfect in combination with island fish.

2021 is the third harvest they vinified directly. A great satisfaction both for the father, Claudio, who moved to live on this beautiful island and for Filippo, who made the wines using his great tasting experience, learned and expanded, in the extra vergin olive oil's world. In fact, Filippo produces great Extra Virgin Olive Oilis as well  in its Ramerino Farm, located near Florence
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BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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